
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Republican Rep. Michele I'm-a-FOOL Bachmann

I'm sorry, this is just pathetic:

Bachmann said Tuesday she probably should have watched "Hardball" to see what it was like before she went on it.

What is it with this rash of stupid, silly, bubble-headed, inane, I-want-to-use-the-C-word, irrelevant, ill-informed, obtuse, fatuous, half-wit women? Do you only need a nice pair of legs and some sort of hair-do to be a woman in politics? Where are the women like me? She makes fools of us all.

This FOOL, IDIOT of a woman goes on Hardball and talks about how she doesn't like Obama because she doesn't think Socialism is good for America, she calls him anti-american and she says we ought to find others with anti-american views and do something about them. There are so many inanities that one doesn't know where to begin!

1. Barack Obama isn't advocating socialism, Henry Paulson is doing that.
2. Ferreting out anti-Americans isn't socialist behavior; it's fascist.
3. Going on any program, I don't care if it's Captain Billy's Whizbag, without watching the program is the mark of a fool and certainly someone too stupid to hold public office.
4. Even if she hadn't researched the program on which she was appearing, how did that entice her to say what she did?

I am tired of stupid people trying to get paid with taxpayer money to do a job for which they would never be hired, but feel perfectly comfortable getting elected to do. This woman is a scourge and should be skewered.

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