
Thursday, October 23, 2008

How Deep is Your Love

Originally uploaded by DHTML ♦
I was listening to How Deep is Your Love today and I had a memory of my first dance. The boy was Van Wisdom, it was 6th grade (Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School in San Antonio) and the song was How Deep Is Your Love...

I remember a bunch of girls running up to me and saying, "Van's looking for you! Van's looking for you! He's going to ask you to dance!"

Now, in those days Van Wisdom was hot stuff and a little out of my league. I didn't even know he knew who I was.

It turns out there was a reason he was drawn to me... It turns out, I found out years later, that he was gay. In fact, even more years later, he died of AIDS. His daddy is a baptist preacher and he, Charles Wisdom, wrote a book about his son. It's a book espoused by Exodus International, a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization that promotes "the message of Freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ."

But, I had totally forgotten about my first dance, and to this song. The song held a special place in my memory but I wasn't really sure why.

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