
Monday, April 20, 2009

What Rich Is

"I'm not after sympathy. We are blessed. What I want is a reality check on what rich means," Ms. Parnell says. "I can pay my mortgage and I can buy some clothes. I'm not going without, but I'm not living a life of luxury."

This is from a woman whose family earns $250,000 per year...

There is this article in the WSJ about whiny-pusses who make at least 250K and don't want their taxes to go up because they are barely eking out a living.


It's hard for me to even know where to start with these people. I feel so rich, so blessed, so privileged - because "I can pay my mortgage and I can buy some clothes. I'm not going without" to quote idiot-woman Ms. Parnell. And if she wants a reality check, I submit she look no further than within. What is it about Ms. Parnell that makes her feel less than rich in the midst of all that abundance? It seems more a spiritual quandary than a tax issue. Compared to most people in this country she's rich. Certainly when you scan the globe, she and the other 250K/year earners are among the Super-Rich. Do we now define Candy Spelling as rich and anything less as middle class? I guess I thought when you could do all those things (am I a Depression baby all of a sudden?): Pay your mortgage, go to resorts for vacation, have 5 kids (these people had 5 kids! My mother is an only child because my grandparents couldn't afford more. All those kids were a choice!) and have $1,200 left over every month ---- YOU WERE RICH. Yes, Ms. Parnell, I think you do need a reality check on what Rich is. You are but you didn't have the sense God gave you to enjoy it.

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