
Monday, April 27, 2009

There is nothing more dreadful than imagination without taste. Goethe

"Der moderne Buchdruck" - Modern book printing, Berlin
I often think that Goethe's statement that there is nothing more dreadful than imagination without taste is a singularly perfect thing. More of that has been seen in this country during our most recent boom times than perhaps anytime in recent history; what with our McMansions (ugh. shudder at it) and big toys (I never refer to any purchase of mine as a toy. Toys are for tots); the gross and exuberant displays of bad taste and absolutely no taste have been flaunted as shamelessly as a coed at her first Mardis Gras.
So, when I consider another famous Goethe quote, "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" it all knits together so nicely. It's almost as if Goethe knew us, intimately.
I write about these things so the children will read this later and be reminded of How To Do Things. Some things are not ok and never will be. Exercising some bad taste option that entails more than $1.59 is not worth it.

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