
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Witchcraft Big Problem

Originally uploaded by yerffej9
Witchraft, once a small but growing problem in American life, is becoming a widespread epidemic in rural America. Leaders from the Republican party say protection from Witchcraft is an imperative for GOP candidates now, as Witches perniciously seek to control public servants' minds and hearts. No longer a fear for the crackpot few, "Witchcraft must take center stage as one of the most dire threats to GOP candidates!", said a leader in the Republican Party.

"What we are seeing is stunning. Brooms, pointed hats, women with moles on their faces - someone in Wasilla recently saw a witch walking her cat! This is a big deal and the rest of the country better wake up and get prayed for!" Bob Denster, an Alaska native, said that Witchcraft has been a growing problem in the state with the long, dark winters where Wicca thrive. "They need darkness, lots a darkness, so naturally they like it here in the Winter."

The Republican party is warning that this Halloween could be a bigger crisis than the current financial debacle, given that Sarah Palin is the only candidate who has been specifically prayed over and protected from Witchcraft. A leading Republican strategist claimed, "We could see all the other candidates spelled. Who knows what could happen."

1 comment:

Paige said...

fixed spelling error. I should always use spell check.