
Saturday, September 27, 2008


Doug's favorite movie is The Verdict - I mean his favorite movie not just favorite Newman film. Paul Newman is Doug's favorite actor and The Verdict is his favorite film. I bet we've seen it together 100 times and he has probably seen it 50 more on his own.

The reason Doug loves this film is the Sisyphean nature of Frank Galvan's struggle with the system, his past and himself. It's an Everyman kind of struggle, having really bad luck and then becoming your own stumbling block and your own worst enemy; raging against a machine that has money and power on its side. Yet Newman's character is victorious and he manages it with a little imagination and most importantly, he just wants it badly enough. He pleads with the universe that there is no losing here. And the universe responds.

This appeals to Doug and it's easy to see why. I always liked this film before I knew Doug, but I had missed the deeper meanings and the nuances. And there is something particular to manliness about needing to get back on top and to win.

So, thank you Mr. Paul Newman, for all the work you did and all the movies we love. But particularly, thank you for The Verdict.

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