
Friday, June 06, 2008


Turned-over SUV (2)
Originally uploaded by Kim Scarborough

When I see someone driving some huge hummer, Denali, Expedition or other some such foolish car I honestly think, "what a fool."

What a fool for contributing the ruin of our environment. What a fool for not seeing the handwriting on the wall at the beginning of the Iraq war (when we downsized our vehicles, knowing that gas would go sky-high). What a fool for indulging in excess. What a fool for being out of the loop and behind the times.

And what's more, I wonder how many of the jumbo vehicles I see driving around are leased.

What fools.

Do I get to ride a high horse about such matters? Is it really any of my business? Well yes I say. Because we are all connected. And if a whole bunch of fools in our community - society - country decide to be reckless with money and as indulgent of their whims as petulant children, paying no mind to what they can actually afford and heeding not the affects of their consumerism, guess who pays? Yes, even those of us who've been frugal and intentional for years and years will pay for their short-sightedness.

I have all kinds of empathy for people who live responsibly and ethically and yet find themselves in a pickle. But woe to the idiot glutton who awakens one day to his destructive ways only because of his personal pain.


KCG said...

Gosh I want to agree on this one, but I Luuuuuuuv my parent's Tahoe and would have one if I had a place to park the beast.

But I know what you mean. The mileage on those mobile condominiums is ridiculous.

Paige said...

I made a bunch of typos. had to re-write.