
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Girl Dreams

Dream Away Little Girl
Originally uploaded by kruus
I hadn't even planned to watch it. I thought, 'it's over and we can move on to the convention and then November...' I certainly didn't feel sad. But there I was, watching her come into that hall and watching her steely resolve while she must be crestfallen, speaking to the crowd, conciliatory and gracious; tears rolling down my face and sobs forcing their way out of my throat. Why? Why was I crying?

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a polemic (not necessarily her fault) but her campaign, irrespective of the result, was historic. I realized today just how important it was in the context of my life. So many of us are marginalized in some way, but we assume that women have really come a long way and that our needs and dreams aren't civil rights issues. As I sat on our couch crying, touched by the speech and her inner strength, I knew we hadn't come all that far until Hillary started winning states and mounting a campaign that we all took seriously. Smoking our own brand of cigarettes in public just isn't going to cut it, Virginia. I won't consider us a long way there until a woman is in the oval office.

Hillary put to rest that notion that we might not be tough enough, might not have the thick skin or the stamina to go it all the way in this man's business of politics. But she's a shrewd cookie and she has more grit and determination than any man I've seen. To dish it out and to take it is quite an accomplishment.

So, here's to Hillary. She's a game girl and a good egg and I wept today as she showed her strength for all of us. We can dream the dream. Yes, Virginia, there is a chance.

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