
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Big Break

So This American Life's theme this week was all about people who'd gotten their big break only to find that it was probably the worst thing that could ever happen to them. One story was about a couple who had a sketch comedy act and their big break came being on the Ed Sullivan show the same night as The Beatles. The Beatles first time on TV in the US.

It's funny to me because I recently thought that I was glad that some of my dreams didn't come true - that I didn't really know what I was dreaming about when I was hoping for them. I've discovered, for example, that in a lot of ways I'm a private person and being famous is probably something I would hate. Although I dreamed of being famous when I was a little girl. I don't like to travel all that much - more of a homebody, but I used to sort of fancy myself someone who'd travel the world. I now realize I probably would hate that.

Anyway, it's interesting... the synchronicity of the universe... that just when I was thinking that I heard a whole show about it...

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