
Thursday, January 07, 2010


Christmas 2009 is the year that Emery got his first laptop. It was the last gift he opened and he said, "I guess what I hoped for is not going to happen..." I handed him the present and said, "this is a special kind of book that Daddy and I think you'd like." Of course it was - it was a Mac Book.

He has been overjoyed - absolutely. We have always worked to limit screen time (tv/comp/wii) and set guidelines for usage (after homework, once other things are done)... But, I have finally come to terms with the fact that this digital world is the world we live in and while I plan activities and opportunities for them to be active and engaged, they love their virtual worlds. Particularly Emery.

He plays games on his computer but he also does a lot of reading and research. He told me a few weeks ago that he gets his news primarily from the Internet. He said, "50 percent from the web, 30 percent from NPR and 20 percent from the newspaper."

So I'm not going to sweat it - this love of all things electronic, this lust for the new gadget and a SIM sort of world. It is what it is, and he'll probably be better prepared for what's coming by being invested in it now.

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