Preparing for Easter. What an evening. We are in Day 3 of mourning for the brutal death of innocence. Or Innocents. For we all have been betrayed. We identify with the suffering of a man betrayed by his friends, by his government, and by the heavens because we have all said such things as, "If there is any other way" - "If this cup could pass from me" AND "My God, My Creator, Why Have You Forsaken Me?"
We identify because we feel innocent of the crimes, we knew our intentions were good and we cannot bear the betrayal. We suffer because we see Jesus as the Lamb, the child we hear was abused, the animal kicked, the torture of a bystander who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The news is full of crucifixions. Death sentences to criminals who were once blameless babes. They were children full of promise, beaten down and shamed. Profligates who prosper while the poor are in pain. Evil everywhere. But the darkness cannot overcome the light: This is the message of the resurreaction for which we wait this night. We hope and we pray that this time, this Easter, the Resurrection will happen. We hope against hope. From Glory to Glory.
Father, Abba, Creator, Heal Us. Resurrect Us. We Beg You. We want to know the meaning of our suffering.
Tomorrow morning the sun will break - the dawn will come. The stone will be rolled away. The tomb will be empty. The angel will ask, For Whom Are Your Crying? He is Risen! We wait for Resurrection!
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