
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Hate the Sinner, Love the SIN

All of my growing up years I heard this concept repeated over and over - that we hate the sin but we love the sinner.

I've been so troubled by the setbacks in this ridiculous debate over gay marriage and the salivary glee conservative, religious heretics of this nation experience in denying some Americans their civil rights. They love to practice this exclusivity, this us-and-them thinking. They do it in their churches. They do it in their private pseudo-christian schools. And I am so sick of the separate-but-equals too, who propose civil unions and everything but marriage type of legislation. Sick, sick, sick.

I think they love the sin. I think they feed upon it. That sin, pretend and fake, keeps them in their exalted position.

I know I am not supposed to hate them. By their logic, I am to despise their sin and love them anyway. I am to love them, even as they spew their sin in public forums, with no shame for being BIG FAT Sinners. I feel shame that I don't love them as I should. I pray for forgiveness that I feel such pity and anger toward them. But their stupidity wears on me like a blanket of lead. And I loathe them.

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