As we flood in Western Washington and people are evacuated from their homes and all the major highways that lead to Seattle are closed, I think back to last week when we had record snows - there are a lot of people around here of a conservative ilk who said, "Global Warming, heh!" I had a science teacher in 7th grade who used to ask us tricky questions and when anyone gave an answer that wasn't well thought out or too obvious he'd say, "you can pick the dummies out of the crowd..."
That's what I think about people who, during bouts of intense, abnormal and devastating weather, say, "Global warming, hmph." As if they are somehow the scientists. As if it's really that simple. Wow, more snow this year, I guess that hot planet theory is all wet.
The predictions about global warming, from what I've read, predict more hurricane activity, intensified storm systems, and hotter heat waves. Cold snaps and snow falling in the Southern reaches of the US isn't evidence against the warming of this planet.
The thing is, if I were God and I created the world and the heavens, I would get pretty sad and hurt and angry seeing people crap on it. I would get pretty tired of all their carbon footprints marking up the beautiful home I made for them. And I think that would make me more disappointed than anything else human beings do. Except maybe war. War and crapping on the beautiful world I gave my selfish, petty, ungrateful children. I could do without praises and lauding if the the people in the world I made would just treat it and each other decently.
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